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Modelling and simulation of pneumatic impact cylinder performance (CROSBI ID 508688)

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Basan, Robert ; Siminiati, Dubravka Modelling and simulation of pneumatic impact cylinder performance // 3rd International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing - Book of Abstracts / Obsieger, Boris (ur.). Rijeka: Zigo, 2005. str. 5-6

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Basan, Robert ; Siminiati, Dubravka


Modelling and simulation of pneumatic impact cylinder performance

Pneumatic impact cylinders are characterized by high piston movement rates. In standard pneumatic cylinders usual piston velocities during work stroke are around 0, 2-1 ms-1 while in impact cylinders these velocities are significantly higher – up to 10-15 ms-1. One such experimental pneumatic drive, which incorporates double acting pneumatic cylinder and impulse valve, was assembled and described in [1]. Characteristic quantities and parameters - work chamber pressure p1, piston velocity v and acceleration rate a were measured during work stroke and later used to develop pneumatic drive’ s numeric model. In work presented in this paper, software simulation package ITI-SIM was implemented for modelling, simulation and subsequent analysis of special kind of impact cylinder. Model of mentioned cylinder was somewhat simplified and certain elements of pneumatic system described in [1] were omitted without noticeable influence on calculated results. Values of above mentioned parameters have been determined and used in obtaining of work characteristic in modelled pneumatic drive. These characteristics were then compared with those measured in [1] in order to prove validity of developed initial ITI-SIM model.

ITI-SIM; pneumatics; impact cylinder; simulation

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3rd International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing - CADAM 2005



Supetar, Hrvatska

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