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Optimized process gases for mechanized welding applications (CROSBI ID 508698)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Danzer, Wolfgang ; Ammann, Thomas ; Bauer, Branko Optimized process gases for mechanized welding applications // Mehanizacija, automatizacija i robotizacija u zavarivanju i srodnim postupcima / Kožuh, Zoran (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za tehniku zavarivanja, 2005. str. 63-70-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Danzer, Wolfgang ; Ammann, Thomas ; Bauer, Branko


Optimized process gases for mechanized welding applications

In welding of metallic materials technologically and economically best results can only be obtained, when all the parameters relevant for the welding process are properly set up for the welding task. Besides the welding machine and the filler material this also applies to the choice of the process gas. The use of special gas mixtures can enable a great improvement of the welding process, the shielding gas changes turns from a commodity to an optimising tool. Shielding gases, when optimised with respect to the welding application, can enable higher productivity and provide better quality of the weld. To achieve this, the gas components with their specific properties must be carefully combined. In GMA welding of structural steels for example an addition of helium to the gas can lead to higher travel speeds without impairing penetration profile or producing undercuts. Gas-shielded arc welding of aluminium or nickel alloys is more and more carried out using a process gas containing very small amounts of oxygen or carbon dioxide, which provides excellent arc stability and weld appearance. In mechanised welding applications having a good arc stability is particularly important, since the machine can, unlike a manual welder, hardly react to glitches in the arc.

welding gases; higher productivity; better quality

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kožuh, Zoran

Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za tehniku zavarivanja

Podaci o skupu

Mehanizacija, automatizacija i robotizacija u zavarivanju i srodnim postupcima



Zadar, Hrvatska

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