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Investigation of Aluminum Single Lap Adhesively Bonded Joints (CROSBI ID 515129)

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Lucić, Mirjana ; Stoić, Antun ; Kopač, Janez Investigation of Aluminum Single Lap Adhesively Bonded Joints // Proceedings of the 11^th International Scientific Conference CAM3S 2005 / Dobrzanski, L. A. (ur.). Gliwice : Zakopane: International Organizing Comittee of the Scientific Conferences AMME World Press, Gliwice, Poland, 2005. str. 597-604-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Lucić, Mirjana ; Stoić, Antun ; Kopač, Janez


Investigation of Aluminum Single Lap Adhesively Bonded Joints

Single lap adhesively bonded joints were investigated in this paper as a frequently applied adhesive joint design in engineering practice. Experimental tests and numerical modeling of single lap adhesive bonded joints were performed. During the investigation the overlap length has been changed in the range from 15 to 60 mm. The experimental specimens have been made of aluminum Al99.5 as adherend material. Dimensions of prepared adherend plates were axbxs = 30x90x1, 95 mm. All bonded joints have been realized using an engineering two-component epoxy adhesive. Such prepared joints have been stretched up to the break in the jaws of the tensile testing machine. The analysis is focused on determination of an optimum overlap length. The true diagram of stresses of adherend (metals) and adhesive has been considered and comparison of data (applied force vs. end displacement) obtained with numerical analysis and experimental investigation. Both results correlate well.

adhesive bonding; single-lap joints; numerical analysis

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Dobrzanski, L. A.

Gliwice : Zakopane: International Organizing Comittee of the Scientific Conferences AMME World Press, Gliwice, Poland

Podaci o skupu

Contemporary Achievements in Mechanics, Manufacturing and Materials Science



Zakopane, Poljska; Gliwice, Poljska

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