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Phase contrast using Differentiated Absolute Contrast Method (CROSBI ID 522355)

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Suša, Mirela ; Benitez, Hernan Dario ; Ibarra, Clemente Loaiza, Humberto ; Bendada, Abdel Hakim ; Maldague, Xavier Phase contrast using Differentiated Absolute Contrast Method // Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography / Balageas, Daniel ; Busse, Gerd ; Carlomagno, Giovanni Maria (ur.). - Padova, Italija. 2006

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Suša, Mirela ; Benitez, Hernan Dario ; Ibarra, Clemente Loaiza, Humberto ; Bendada, Abdel Hakim ; Maldague, Xavier


Phase contrast using Differentiated Absolute Contrast Method

The article proposes implementing the Differentiated Absolute Contrast Method approach to reduce the impact of the sound area variability typical of phase contrast results from PPT experiences. Since depth retrieval from phase as proposed in ‎ [1] needs the sound area for phase difference calculation, the problem of a priori knowledge of the defect location as well as the non-uniform heating arises. Using DAC method, these difficulties could be avoided since the phase difference is obtained for corresponding pixels of phase image from thermogram sequence and of phase image from calculated non-defective surface temperature evolution starting from the last thermogram with no defect visible yet.

Pulsed phase thermography; differentiated absolute contrast; depth inversion; NDE

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Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography



Padova, Italija

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