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Methods and Techniques of Rapid Product Development (CROSBI ID 522358)

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Jurković, Milan ; Mahmić, Mehmed ; Karabegović, Edina Methods and Techniques of Rapid Product Development. Kaunas: Kaunas University of Technology, 2006. str. 129-132-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Jurković, Milan ; Mahmić, Mehmed ; Karabegović, Edina


Methods and Techniques of Rapid Product Development

The development of the new product leads to the changing in producing process. The results of these changing is that leads to rapid cost decreasing, application of the new technologies, shortening of producing processes, application of the new information technologies and rapid producing of prototypes. In the paper are presented the main action, methods and techniques of rapid product development.

rapid prototyping; product development; development evolution

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Kaunas: Kaunas University of Technology

Podaci o skupu

Proceedings of 11th International Conference



Kaunas, Litva

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