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Financing projects related to environmental protection and energy efficiency (CROSBI ID 34573)

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Schneider, Daniel Rolph Financing projects related to environmental protection and energy efficiency // Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems Volume III / Afgan, Naim ; Bogdan, Željko ; Duić, Neven et al. (ur.). Singapur: World Scientific Publishing, 2007. str. 167-174

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Schneider, Daniel Rolph


Financing projects related to environmental protection and energy efficiency

Appropriate financing of programs, projects and other measures in the field of environmental protection, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources (RES) is one of major barriers to their realization. The existing financial sources, including state budget, local self-government budgets, commercial banks, international investment projects in environmental protection and international aid programs, are often insufficient or unattractive from the investors' viewpoint. Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (EPEEF) is a relatively new player in Croatian investment market and it is basically first and only extra-budgetary fund dedicated to financing preparation, implementation and development of programs, projects and similar undertakings in the field of preservation, sustainable use, protection and improvement of the environment, financing in the field of energy efficiency and use of RES. EPEEF is a legal person vested with public authority in which, on behalf of the Republic of Croatia, founder’ s rights are exercised and duties discharged by the Government. EPEEF is established in 2003 according to the Act on Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund which founds its basis in Environmental Protection Act and Energy Act. It became operational in the summer of 2004. EPEEF's financial resources are secured from charges levied in accordance with the Act on EPEEF (emission and waste charges), bilateral and multilateral cooperation, revenues from management of available monetary assets of the Fund, budgets of units of regional and local self-government, in accordance with jointly defined programs and grants. Allocation of the Fund’ s resources related to environmental protection and energy efficiency is following: implementation of national energy programs, promotion of use of RES, sustainable construction models, cleaner transport, protection, preservation and improvement of air, soil, water and sea quality, moderation of climate change, waste management, cleaner manufacturing processes, protection and preservation of biological and landscape diversity, promotion of sustainable use of natural resources, sustainable development of rural areas, sustainable economic development, enhancement of the system of information, monitoring and assessment of the state of the environment, introduction of environment management system, promotion of educational, research and development studies, programs, projects and other activities. Financial resources of the Fund shall be allocated to units of local self-government, legal and natural persons, on the basis of the public invitation of applications announced by the Fund. The resources shall be disbursed as "soft" loans, subsidies (of interest rate), grants and financial aid. In the year 2005 it is planned to disburse almost 300 million HRK.

project financing, environmental protection, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources

Proceedings of the 3rd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 5-10. June 2005.

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Podaci o knjizi

Afgan, Naim ; Bogdan, Željko ; Duić, Neven ; Guzović, Zvonimir

Singapur: World Scientific Publishing



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