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Stress triaxility as a measure of constraint by fracture mechanics specimens (CROSBI ID 483922)

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Kozak, Dražan ; Ivandić, Željko Stress triaxility as a measure of constraint by fracture mechanics specimens // Proceedings of the Techical Committee 15 of Youth International Measurements Confederation (IMEKO) Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics / Freddi, Alessandro ; Fragassa, Cristiano (ur.). Bolonja: Bologna University, 2002. str. 65-66

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kozak, Dražan ; Ivandić, Željko


Stress triaxility as a measure of constraint by fracture mechanics specimens

In-plane and out-of-plane constraint effects on crack tip stress fields are studied by means of three-dimensional numerical analyses. The crack tip constraint by standard Bx2B single edge notch bend (SENB) fracture specimens has been quantified through the stress triaxility parameter calculation. The variation of local stress triaxility according to the thickness of specimen is presented.

stress triaxility; constraint effects

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Freddi, Alessandro ; Fragassa, Cristiano

Bolonja: Bologna University

Podaci o skupu

Techical Committee 15 of Youth International Measurements Confederation Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics



Forlì, Italija; Bertinoro, Italija

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