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A study of radial gear extrusion (CROSBI ID 484845)

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Plančak, Miroslav ; Math Miljjenko A study of radial gear extrusion // SHMD 2002, Materials and metallurgy / Ilija Mamuzić (ur.). Zagreb: PAMIGRAF d.o.o., 2002. str. 27-27-x

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Plančak, Miroslav ; Math Miljjenko


A study of radial gear extrusion

Gears and gear-like elements are manufactured predominantly by some of cutting technologies, but recent trends go towards application of metal forming operations. For smaller gears cold bulk metal forming operations are used (net shape or near net shape forming) and for the larger gears, hot rolling or hot forging technologies are applied. Application of metal forming technologies in gear and gear-like manufacturing offers technical and economical advantages when compared with cutting technologies.Various cold bulk metal forming techniques can be applied for gear manufacturing. In this paper theoretical analysis of radial extrusion of gears is given. Furthermore, experimental verification of the obtained theoretical results has been carried out. Two various methods of analyze is given, both used today in actual researches: upper bound method as an analytical one and finite element method as a numerical one.

extrusion; finite element method simulation

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Ilija Mamuzić

Zagreb: PAMIGRAF d.o.o.

Podaci o skupu

5th Symposium of croatian metallurgical society



Šibenik, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
