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Application for Decreasing of Activities Duration in the System UPROB (CROSBI ID 485623)

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Matičević, Gordana ; Majdandžić, Niko ; Lujić, Roberto ; Šimunović, Goran ; Galeta, Tomislav Application for Decreasing of Activities Duration in the System UPROB // 8th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering : CIM 2002 : Computer Integrated Manufacturing and High Speed Machining : proceedings / Cebalo, Roko ; Shulz, Herbert (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatska udruga proizvodnog strojarstva (HUPS), 2002. str. VI-31-VI-40

Podaci o odgovornosti

Matičević, Gordana ; Majdandžić, Niko ; Lujić, Roberto ; Šimunović, Goran ; Galeta, Tomislav


Application for Decreasing of Activities Duration in the System UPROB

Activity duration decreasing is significantly for avoiding overrun of proposed time in industries engineering projects. Reliable time and cost estimating and their impact on the overall project duration are important for planning and control of project. Consequence of delay project finishing can be direct financial penalties, but more important is lose of reputation and position in competition environment. In this paper is presented mathematical model of system UPROB which has been developed for object construction and overhaul in complex plants planning and which applying critical path method on line diagrams with direct use of input from enterprise Common database. Steps for decreasing overall project duration with minimal costs are defined. System supports developing of different plan variants, which will be selected by management according to selected criteria's.

activities duration decreasing; line diagram; critical path; planning system UPROB

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Cebalo, Roko ; Shulz, Herbert

Zagreb: Hrvatska udruga proizvodnog strojarstva (HUPS)


Podaci o skupu

International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering (8 ; Brijuni)



Brijuni, Hrvatska

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