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Long-term fluctuations in plankton in the Adriatic sea as a result of changes in their environment (CROSBI ID 462872)

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Šolić, Mladen Long-term fluctuations in plankton in the Adriatic sea as a result of changes in their environment // ICES International Symposium on the temporal variability of plankton and their physico-chemical environment / Colijn, F ; Smayda, T. (ur.). Kiehl: ICES, 1997. str. 15-15-x

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Šolić, Mladen


Long-term fluctuations in plankton in the Adriatic sea as a result of changes in their environment

Time series of bacterioplankton, phytoplankton and zooplankton abundances in the coastal and open Adriatic Sea were analized. Increasing long-term trends were established for all studied parameters, at both coastal and open sea areas, presumably as a result of eutraphication procerss. In the natural factors were dominant in controlling year-to-year fluctuations of plankton. On the other hand, long-term fluctuations of plankton in the coastal area were chiefly controlled by man-induced factors.

time series; planctonic community; natural factors; antropogenic factors; Adriatic Sea

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International Symposium on the Temporal Variability of Plankton and their Physico-Chemical Environment

pozvano predavanje


Kiel, Njemačka

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