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Path analysis of the family resemblence in FEV1 (CROSBI ID 467777)

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Škarić-Jurić, Tatjana Path analysis of the family resemblence in FEV1 // Paediatria Croatica, Vol.42 Suppl. 3 1998 / Lokar-Kolbas, Renata (ur.). Zagreb: Klinika za dječje bolesti, 1998. str. 33-34-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Škarić-Jurić, Tatjana


Path analysis of the family resemblence in FEV1

The path analysis of the respiratory function (as measured by adjusted FEV1) and cigarette smoking habits (measured by smoking index) has been performed on 1198 adult members of nuclear families (age 18 to 85), inhabitants of the islands of Brac, Hvar and Korcula and the Pelješac peninsula, Croatia. The applied Path model encompasses estimation of the following 7 parameters: effects of additive genetic factors on FEV1 in offspring (h) and in parents (hp), effect of shared family environment on smoking behavior in offspring (c) and in parents (cp), and the direct effect of smoking on FEV1 in offspring (d), in fathers (df) and in mothers (dm). The general, most constrained, path model considered (Model 1: h = hp, c = cp, d = dm = df) provided an adequate fit to the data (c2 = 25.68 ; df = 25 ; p =0.42). Compared to Model 1, Model 3 (h = hp, c š cp, d = dm = df) was the only one of the group of 6 competing path models to provide a significant improvement in the goodness-of-fit statistics (c2(1) - c2(3) = 25.68 - 21.73 = 3.95 ; p < 0.05). According to Model 3, the following values of examined parameters have been obtained: additive genetic effects were estimated at 47%, with no evidence of intergenerational differences in the expression of apparently strong genetic control of the pulmonary function (h = hp). The direct effect of an individual's own smoking is responsible for only 1% variation in FEV1 values in both offspring and parents (d = dp). Family environmental factors that influence an individual's smoking habits (c, cp) were found to be significantly different in two generations explaining 4% of the smoking behavior in parents and 24% in offspring. The proportion of family resemblance in FEV1 which can be attributed to the (non-genetic) effects of the common family environment acting on the smoking behavior has been derived from the parameters of the model showing that shared smoking patterns explain more of the sibling correlation (1%) than they do for the parent-offspring correlation (0.4%) for adjusted FEV1.

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Lokar-Kolbas, Renata

Zagreb: Klinika za dječje bolesti

Podaci o skupu

The second Croatian Congress in Human Genetics



Zagreb, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Etnologija i antropologija