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Process and Possible Sociocultural Integration of Refugee and Displaced Families on the Island of Hvar, Croatia (CROSBI ID 24359)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Čolić, Snježana ; Sujoldžić, Anita Process and Possible Sociocultural Integration of Refugee and Displaced Families on the Island of Hvar, Croatia // Regions in Transition - Applied Anthropology and Demographic Perspectives / Bennett, Brian C. ; Rudan, Pavao (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko andragoško društvo (HAD), 1998. str. 125-134-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Čolić, Snježana ; Sujoldžić, Anita


Process and Possible Sociocultural Integration of Refugee and Displaced Families on the Island of Hvar, Croatia

The paper analyses the initial acculturation processess as encompassed through a pilot study conducted from 1992-1994 on the island of Hvar. The approach positions the ethnically and culturally diverse groups of displaced persons and refugees, settled on the island, as an ideal situation of the "new"community in which the hypothesis of acculturation can be tested. The non-existence of strict boundaries among the groups, but rather much more flexible possibilities of communication allowed assessment of potential future integration processes.

refugees, acculturation, family, anthropology

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Podaci o knjizi

Bennett, Brian C. ; Rudan, Pavao

Zagreb: Hrvatsko andragoško društvo (HAD)



Povezanost rada

Etnologija i antropologija