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Solar thermal and photovoltaic power plants-technical solutions and prospects for southern Croatia (CROSBI ID 469497)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | stručni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Urli, Natko B. ; Jedriško, Claudia ; Spinčić, Damir ; Hrastnik, Branimir Solar thermal and photovoltaic power plants-technical solutions and prospects for southern Croatia // Energy and environment / Franković, B. (ur.). Opatija: Hrvatska stručna udruga za sunčevu energiju, 1998. str. 109-115-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Urli, Natko B. ; Jedriško, Claudia ; Spinčić, Damir ; Hrastnik, Branimir


Solar thermal and photovoltaic power plants-technical solutions and prospects for southern Croatia

Only fossil fuel and to a lesser degree hydro-power plants are planned to meet an increased electricity demand in Croatia in the first decade of the next century. However, due to a relatively high solar potential in the southern part of Croatia and because of extremely fast development of solar thermal power technologies as well as photovoltaics in the world in the last couple of years, it is quite probable that the price of solar electricity may become competitive sooner than expected. Therefore, it is necessary to initiate without delays demonstration and prototype projects both in solar thermal and photovoltaic fields in order to be prepared for introduction of these renewable energy technologies in electricity production capacities fo the country, thus preserving clean environment along the Adriatic coast and making possible further sustainable development of turism.

solar thermal; photovoltaics; power plants

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Franković, B.

Opatija: Hrvatska stručna udruga za sunčevu energiju

Podaci o skupu

Međunarodni kongres ENERGIJA I OKOLIŠ



Opatija, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
