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Late bronze age settlemente in the region of Hrvatsko zagorje (CROATIA) (CROSBI ID 474894)

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Pavišić, Ivančica Late bronze age settlemente in the region of Hrvatsko zagorje (CROATIA). 2000

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Pavišić, Ivančica


Late bronze age settlemente in the region of Hrvatsko zagorje (CROATIA)

The findings from the settlement from the Krapina-Zagorje district have been almost unknown. The results of the research at the sites of Krapina, Bojačno and Lobor provided data about the typical vessel forms regarding the Late Bronze Age pottery from the period of both older and younger Urn-field culture. The findings of pottery from thesse Late Bronze Age settlement localities have been very scarce in the north-western Craotia. By comparative analysis the relationshipwith the plane Urn-field necropolises from the central Croatia, namely with the necropolises of Zagreb, Velika Gorica, Treščerovac and Krupače, near Krašić, was noticed

Urn-field cultur; settlements; ceramic; bronz

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