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Slow dynamics of energy relaxation in the commensurate SDW ground state of (TMTTF)_2Br (CROSBI ID 738919)

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Lasjaunias, Jean Claude ; Biljaković, Katica ; Starešinić, Damir ; Monceau, Pierre ; Fabre, JM Slow dynamics of energy relaxation in the commensurate SDW ground state of (TMTTF)_2Br // Journal de Physique. IV. 1999. str. 53-54-x

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Lasjaunias, Jean Claude ; Biljaković, Katica ; Starešinić, Damir ; Monceau, Pierre ; Fabre, JM


Slow dynamics of energy relaxation in the commensurate SDW ground state of (TMTTF)_2Br

We present a study of the slow dynamics in the heat relaxation at very low temperature (T less than or similar to 1 K) in the nominally commensurate SDW compound (TMTTF)_2Br, that we compare to the incommensurate SDW-(TMTSF)_2PF_2. Instead of a broad distribution of relaxation times g(log tau) in the PF_6 salt, the dynamics in the Br salt reveals almost "discrete hands" in the relaxation spectrum. A saturation towards equilibrium is reached very rapidly (within app. 20 mn) at T app. 100 mK in comparison with PF_6 (more than 10 hr for the same temperature).

spin-density waves in magnetically ordered materials; thermodynamic properties and entropy; collective modes; low-dimensional conductors

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