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Differences in the distribution of a lapinized and cell culture adapted chinese strain of hog cholera virus in some tissue specimens of inoculated pigs. (CROSBI ID 477431)

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Jemeršić, Lorena ; Barlič-Maganja, Darja ; Lojkić, Mirko ; Madić, Josip ; Grom, J. ; Čač, Željko ; Roić, Besi Differences in the distribution of a lapinized and cell culture adapted chinese strain of hog cholera virus in some tissue specimens of inoculated pigs. // Programme and apstracts of 4th Pestivirus Meeting / Ackermann, Mathias ; Paton, David (ur.). Giessen: Institut-a fur Virologie (FB Veterinarmedizin), Justus-Liebig-Un, 1999. str. P5-1-x

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Jemeršić, Lorena ; Barlič-Maganja, Darja ; Lojkić, Mirko ; Madić, Josip ; Grom, J. ; Čač, Željko ; Roić, Besi


Differences in the distribution of a lapinized and cell culture adapted chinese strain of hog cholera virus in some tissue specimens of inoculated pigs.

The genus Pestivirus within the family Flaviviridae, includes small single stranded RNA viruses currently subdivided into hog cholera virus (HCV, also referred to as classical swine fever virus), bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) type I and type II, and border disease virus (Paton, 1995). The China strain is an avirulent strain of the hog cholera virus, oftenly used as a vaccine strain. Its genome was sequenced and may be used as a tool for marker vaccine production, studying the pathogenesis, virulence and replication of the virus (Moormann, 1996). Adapting the C strain to growth in cell culture was an intention to eliminate some disadvantages of the vaccine production system based on rabbits. The adaptation of the C strain to minipig kidney (MPK) cell culture has proven to be successful (Rivero, et al., 1988; Ferrari, 1992; Terzić et al., 1998). In this study a comparison of the distribution of the C strain of hog cholera virus propagated in rabbits and the C strain propagated in MPK cell culture in blood, spleen, brain and tonsil samples of inoculated pigs.

classical swine fever virus; China strain; tissue distribution.

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Ackermann, Mathias ; Paton, David

Giessen: Institut-a fur Virologie (FB Veterinarmedizin), Justus-Liebig-Un

Podaci o skupu

4^th Pestivirus Meeting



Gießen, Njemačka

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