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izvor podataka: crosbi

Seasonal differences in the levels of suspended particulate matter and heavy metals in the vicinity of a waste dump (CROSBI ID 92907)

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Hršak, Janko ; Šišović, Anica ; Škrbec, Alen ; Šega, Krešimir Seasonal differences in the levels of suspended particulate matter and heavy metals in the vicinity of a waste dump // Atmospheric environment (1994), 35 (2001), 20; 3543-3546-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Hršak, Janko ; Šišović, Anica ; Škrbec, Alen ; Šega, Krešimir


Seasonal differences in the levels of suspended particulate matter and heavy metals in the vicinity of a waste dump

Total suspended particulate matter and heavy metal (Pb, Mn, Cd and Hg) concentrations were measured at the location in the vicinity of the waste dump to determine the air pollution level of these pollutants prior to the operation of the Mobile Thermal Treatment Plant. Samples were collected over one year period. Seasonal differences, and the influence of meteorological parameters (temperature, relative humidity, pressure and wind direction) on the air pollution levels were studied. Results show relatively low concentrations of TSP, Pb, Mn and Cd, while Hg levels were higher compared to the guideline values. Good weather conditions are connected to long range transport of particulate matter, while higher temperatures result in elevated mercury concentrations. Because of the predominant northeast wind direction, the contribution of air pollution from the direction of the waste dump at the measuring site is significant, but that does not necessarily mean that the pollutants originated from that source.

lead; manganese; cadmium; mercury; meteorological parameters

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35 (20)





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